
A minimal package for drawing quantum circuits using the quantikz[1] and tikz TeX libraries. See an online interactive demo at quantikz.krastanov.org.


See the full list of available operations.

using Quantikz
circuit = [
    CNOT(1,2), CPHASE(2,3), SWAP(3,4),
    H(5), P(6), Id(7),
    Measurement("X",1), Measurement([2,3],2), ClassicalDecision("U",[3,5],2),

Saving files

Use savecircuit(circuit, filename) for tex, pdf, and png files.

Custom quantikz TeX code

For each circuit you can get the quantikz table if you want to modify it.

qtable = circuit2table([CNOT(1,2), CPHASE(2,3)])
qtable.qubits, qtable.ancillaries, qtable.bits
(3, 0, 0)
3×4 Matrix{String}:
 "\\qw"  "\\ctrl{0}"          "\\qw"        "\\qw"
 "\\qw"  "\\targ{}\\vqw{-1}"  "\\ctrl{0}"   "\\qw"
 "\\qw"  "\\qw"               "\\ctrl{-1}"  "\\qw"

And after modifications, the table can be turned into a tex string


Custom Objects

For your CustomQuantumOperation simply define a QuantikzOp(op::CustomQuantumOperation) that converts your object to one of the built-in objects from the examples above.

If you need more freedom for your custom quantum operation, simply define:

  • update_table!(table,step,op::CustomQuantumOperation) that directly modifies the quantikz table
  • affectedqubits(op::CustomQuantumOperation) that gives the indices of qubits involved in the operation.
  • (optional) affectedbits(op) that gives the indices of classical bits in use (empty by default)
  • (optional) neededancillaries(op) that gives the number of temporary ancillary qubits to reserve (0 by default)
  • (optional) nsteps(op) that gives the number of steps involved in the gate (1 by default)
  • (optional) deleteoutputs(op) that gives which qubits to be deleted, e.g., their lines removed (empty by default)

Instead of returning an array of indices affectedqubits can also return the lazy slice ibegin:iend (from EndpointRanges.jl) which tells the layout engine that all qubits are used in this stage of the circuit.