Standard Single- and Two-qubit Gates

[P(1), H(2), Id(3), U(4), U(raw"\mathrm{Gate}",5)]
latexmatrix = raw"\begin{pmatrix}
\alpha & \beta \\
\gamma & \delta
[CNOT(1,2), CPHASE(2,3), SWAP(3,4)]

Multi Qubit Gates

Arbitrary combination of filled circle, open circle, NOT, and cross


Arbitrary controlled gate

    MultiControlU([1], [2], [3,4]),
    MultiControlU("XYZ",  [1], [2], [3,4,5]),
    MultiControlU("U_a",  [1], [2], [3,5]),

Gate dependent on classical bits

    ClassicalDecision(1, 1),
    ClassicalDecision("U",  [1,2], 2),
    ClassicalDecision("U_a",  [1,3], [1,3]),


Single qubit, with optional result stored to bits

    Measurement("X", 2),
    Measurement("Z", 3, 1)

Multiple qubits stabilizer measurement, with optional result stored to bits.

    Measurement("ZZ", [2,3]),
    Measurement("XX", [3,4], 1)

Multiqubit Bell measurements

ParityMeasurement(["X","Y","Z"], [1,2,4])

Initial states or resets

At the beginning of a circuit

Initialize("\\ket{\\phi}", [1,2,3])
Initialize("\\ket{\\phi}", [1,2,4])

Midway through a circuit

[CNOT(1,2), Measurement(3), Initialize("\\ket{\\phi}", [2,3])]
[CNOT(1,2), Measurement(1), Measurement(3), Initialize("\\ket{\\phi}", [1,3])]

Noise Events

[Noise([1,5]), NoiseAll()]